Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Photoshoot with Chelsea Vielhauer

Chelsea Vielhauer

What type of costume was this?
It was a typical German girl dress. It's the first thing you think about when you think about old traditional Germany.

Does the costume reflect your ethnic background?
Sort of. I'm only a little bit German despite what people think. I'm mostly Scottish.

Do you know anything about your German roots?
Yes, I know that one of my ancestors that were German came up with the last name. The original last name was "Ginger," but he felt it was too feminine. He changed it to a more masculine last name, so he came up with "Vielhauer." That's all I know really from my German ancestry.

What was difficult about this photoshoot?
The fact that there were so many red ants. In between camera clicks, I had to keep moving my feet around because I was wearing flip flops. Also, the sun was an issue since we were on top of a hill. It was blinding. I felt kind of bad since I had a hard time looking decently at the camera.

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